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All Month Conference List

Date Conference Name Venue
29-07-2024 International Conference on Business Continuity Management and Disaster Recovery-ICBCMDR
30-07-2024 International Conference on Defense Studies and Leadership-ICDSL
30-07-2024 International Conference on Agriculture and Tourism-ICAT
30-07-2024 International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution-ICPCR
30-07-2024 International Conference on Human Geography and Urban Studies-ICHGUS
02-08-2024 International Conference on Domestic Tourism and Economy-ICDTE
02-08-2024 International Conference on Urban Landscape Infrastructures-ICULI
02-08-2024 International Conference on Law of Human Rights and Civil Liberty-ICLHRCL
02-08-2024 International Conference on Human Rights and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism-ICHRPCVE
02-08-2024 International Conference on Educational Tourism, Activities and Tours-ICETAT
02-08-2024 International Conference on Extreme Tourism Activities-ICETA
05-08-2024 International Conference on Leadership and Management-ICLM
05-08-2024 International Conference on Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis-ICSLDA
05-08-2024 International Conference on Business Tourism and Tourism Management-ICBTTM
05-08-2024 International Conference on Post Traumatic Urban Studies-ICPTUS
05-08-2024 International Conference on Indigenous Tourism and Development-ICITD
05-08-2024 International Conference on Urban Studies, Design and Planning-ICUSDP
05-08-2024 International Conference on E-Tourism Technologies-ICETT
05-08-2024 International Conference on Public Policy and Public Administration-ICPPPA
05-08-2024 International Conference on Disasters Management, Geomatics Solutions and Satellite Data-ICDMGSSD
05-08-2024 International Conference on Business Tourism and Events Industry-ICBTEI
05-08-2024 International Conference on Disaster and Emergency Management-ICDEM
06-08-2024 International Conference on Forest Fire Disaster Management-ICFFDM
06-08-2024 International Conference on Religious Tourism Activities-ICRTA
06-08-2024 International Conference on Agriculture and Tourism-ICAT
06-08-2024 International Conference on Media, Communication & Film-ICMCF
06-08-2024 International Conference on Disaster Nursing, Disaster Management and Stabilization-ICDNDMS
07-08-2024 International Conference on Disaster and Emergency Management-ICDEM
07-08-2024 International Conference on Religion, Education and Human Rights-ICREHR
07-08-2024 International Conference on Causes of Poverty and Inequality-ICCPI
07-08-2024 International Conference on Disasters Management Method and Geomatics Solutions-ICDMMGS
07-08-2024 International Conference on Urban Geography and Cultural Studies-ICUGCS
07-08-2024 International Conference on Sport Tourism Activities and Local Organizations-ICSTALO
07-08-2024 International Conference on Leadership and Management-ICLM
07-08-2024 International Conference on Religious Tourism Activities-ICRTA
07-08-2024 International Conference on Human Rights and Human Security-ICHRHS
07-08-2024 International Conference on Human Rights-ICHRS
07-08-2024 International Conference on Tourism for Peace-ICTP
08-08-2024 International Conference on Integrated Natural Disaster Management-ICINDM
08-08-2024 International Conference on Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality-ICKMTH
08-08-2024 International Conference on Human Rights and Human Security-ICHRHS
08-08-2024 International Conference on Geomatics, Disasters Management and Planning-ICGDMP
08-08-2024 International Conference on Ethnic Tourism Activities and Management Applications-ICETAMA
08-08-2024 International Conference on Hospitality Leadership, Business Operations and Management-ICHLBOM
09-08-2024 International Conference on Geospatial Big Data for Urban Studies-ICGBDUS
09-08-2024 International Conference on Virtual Tourism and Tourism Technology-ICVTTT
09-08-2024 International Conference on Necessity Womens Human Rights and Gender Equality-ICNWHRGE
09-08-2024 International Conference on Human Rights Science, Civil and Political Rights-ICHRSCPR
09-08-2024 International Conference on Immigration Studies-ICIS
09-08-2024 International Conference on Defense Studies and Leadership-ICDSL

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