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All Month Conference List

Date Conference Name Venue
22-10-2024 International Conference on Servant Leadership-ICSL
22-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Planning Studies and Policy Recommendations-ICUPSPR
22-10-2024 International Conference on Causes of Poverty-ICCP
22-10-2024 International Conference on Geomatics, Disasters Management and Remote Sensing-ICGDMRS
22-10-2024 International Conference on Disaster Nursing, Disaster Management and Stabilization-ICDNDMS
22-10-2024 International Conference on Building Designs and Disaster Management-ICBDDM
23-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Studies, City Design and Planning-ICUSCDP
23-10-2024 International Conference on Public Opinion and Public Policy-ICPOPP
23-10-2024 International Conference on Globalization and Culture-ICGC
23-10-2024 International Conference on Human and Constitutional Rights-ICHCR
23-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Tourism Studies-ICUTS
24-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Place Names and Critical Place Names Studies-ICUPNCPNS
24-10-2024 International Conference on Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Crises Management and Disaster-ICPDMCMD
24-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Geotechnology and Urban Environment-ICUGUE
25-10-2024 International Conference on Seismic Engineering and Disaster Management-ICSEDM
25-10-2024 International Conference on International Law, Human Rights and Democratic Principles-ICILHRDP
25-10-2024 International Conference on Geomatics, Disasters Management and Planning-ICGDMP
25-10-2024 International Conference on Drug Tourism and Destinations-ICDTD
25-10-2024 International Conference on HIV and AIDS-ICHIVA
25-10-2024 International Conference on Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights-ICIPLHR
25-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Planning Studies and Policy Recommendations-ICUPSPR
25-10-2024 International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution-ICPCR
25-10-2024 International Conference on Seismic Engineering and Disaster Management-ICSEDM
28-10-2024 International Conference on Business Tourism and Events Industry-ICBTEI
28-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Geomorphology Studies, Urban Planning and Design-ICUGSUPD
28-10-2024 International Conference on Recent Tends in Film Studies-ICRTFS
28-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Development Studies-ICUDS
28-10-2024 International Conference on Administrative Science, Migration, Mobility and Human Rights-ICASMMHR
29-10-2024 International Conference on Tourism Social Science-ICOTSS
29-10-2024 International Conference on Amnesty, Peace, Politics and Human Rights-ICAPPHR
29-10-2024 International Conference on Roman Catholicism and Church Beliefs-ICRCCB
29-10-2024 International Conference on Disasters Management, Geomatics Solutions and Satellite Data-ICDMGSSD
29-10-2024 International Conference on Natural Disaster Management-ICNDM
29-10-2024 International Conference on Tourism Social Science-ICOTSS
29-10-2024 International Conference on Educational Tourism, Activities and Tours-ICETAT
29-10-2024 International Conference on Architecture, Landscape and Urban Studies-ICALUS
29-10-2024 International Conference on Catholic Church and Doctrine-ICCCDO
29-10-2024 International Conference on Human Rights and Responsibilities-ICHRR
30-10-2024 International Conference on Human Rights and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism-ICHRPCVE
30-10-2024 International Conference on Geomatics, Disasters Management and Rapid Mapping-ICGDMRM
30-10-2024 International Conference on Urban Landscape and Urban Planning-ICULUP
30-10-2024 International Conference on Causes of Poverty and Inequality-ICCPI
30-10-2024 International Conference on Catholic Church and Doctrine-ICCCDO
04-11-2024 International Conference on Urban Noise Pollution Assessment Techniques and Urban Planning -ICUNPATUP
04-11-2024 International Conference on Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights-ICIPLHR
04-11-2024 International Conference on Urban Geomorphology Studies and Sustainability-ICUGSS
04-11-2024 International Conference on Domestic Tourism and Economic Growth-ICDTEG
05-11-2024 International Conference on Society, Economics and Urban Studies-ICSEUS
05-11-2024 International Conference on Catholic Church and History-ICCCH
05-11-2024 International Conference on Substantive Rights and Humanitarian Law-ICSRHL

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